

“Mary’s coaching is masterful, combining experience, intuition and so much compassion into an evocative and effective modality…her coaching is priceless!”
–Ronit LeMon, MCC, Mentor+Coach​–



“Mary helped me gain clarity into areas of my life where I was feeling stuck. She helped me challenge some of my negative limiting beliefs and come from a place of possibilities and creativity. I always feel like Mary had a good sense of who I was and gave me a gentle nudge so that I could continue to grow. “–K.Z.​



“When starting to work with Mary, I was looking for a clear understanding of my purpose in life. Mary offered me a very valuable approach to take pressure off myself around this goal and, through less pressure, to actually achieve it!   I would recommend Mary to anyone who is looking for a very personal, empathic and wise coach. One of Mary’s gifts is to connect the dots that her Coachees give her. She truly is a master at that!” — E.D.



Mary is kind and has a soothing presence. She can also be firm and can break down complex challenges into simple questions and models. This is an important balance as she invites you to learn to harmonize body, mind and spirit. 
I’m currently reflecting on one of my growth areas, which is rest. In our sessions, Mary would ask me if I feel rested when I wake up in the morning. I usually pushed back and said that I couldn’t sleep anymore even if I tried. As I continue to work on this area, I finally understand what she meant and why she would always ask that question. 
It’s been weeks since my last session with her, and I think it’s telling that one month later, I’m still making references to her questions and models to tackle newer and more current challenges as I seek to honor my own self daily.
Thank you, Mary, for everything 🙂 — I.J. 


“I just want to say thank you for all of your wisdom, sincere guidance and true compassion.
I know why you do this work.
Many are doing it, but only a very few do it well.
Thank you, because you are one of the few. I am lucky!” – S.M.T.

I’ve been working with Mary for over 1 year and wish to share my experience. Essentially: She listens to me with her heart and I feel she really understands me.
How can I tell that? I often find it difficult to comprehend what’s inside my own mind or heart — that “package of feelings and random ideas”. Yet whatever part of it that I bring to our sessions, she always helps me make sense of it. Every time I feel like “Wow, she got it even better than I did!”.

For me, this is proof of true and honest listening. I had 3 other coaches in the past; yet none of them seemed to actually listen or understand me. I felt like they were simply applying theory. By contrast, Mary seems to intuitively, deeply listen and help me uncover ideas or energies that match my needs.

Recently, thanks to Mary, I learnt a very useful lesson: What if “not doing” is a part of the learning process? I believe that only a coach who is deeply attuned can offer ideas like that: ideas that help me grasp what’s happening and move forward. Somewhere inside it feels like a seed that starts growing, prompting huge growth in my self-awareness (Mary often reminds me: “Awareness creates choice”). She offers useful and precious tools in each session. She helps me realise that even when I feel a difficult part of me is surfacing, there is always a gift; it is a part of a whole, it is a part of who I am, and I am loving that!– V.O.

In only four sessions, Mary screwed my head back on… or rather, helped ME to see how I could begin to do it myself!  Combining heart and science, she lightly nudged me toward greater self-care and resiliency. We wound up with me making five practical commitments to work at changing unhealthy mindsets and habits. I was left with a kind of mantra to guide my quest: “I want to prioritize self care in order to be more positive and useful in the world….and to be happier, more alive and loving to my friends and family.” Thank you, Mary!  — R.D.C.



Travailler avec Mary m’a permis non seulement de mettre les choses à plat mais aussi de les mettre au clair. Nos échanges m’ont permis de prendre confiance en moi en découvrant que je dispose des ressources nécessaires à mon évolution. L’accompagnement de Mary dans mon nouveau commencement m’a ainsi donné de la force – merci encore !!
–S.O., via The Humanitarian Coaching Network 

God bless you for sweeping in to the rescue, when you did.  I was able to do my work and then get back to being there for me.  — CP
Travailler avec Mary, c’est commencer par mettre un pied dans l’univers fabuleux du coaching. Chaque rendez-vous m’a permis de prendre le temps de me connecter à moi-même, de comprendre et d’utiliser les différentes techniques qu’elle maitrise. Elle s’exprime parfaitement en français ce qui a été facilitateur pour moi.
Mary fait partie de mon cheminement de Vie. Ses outils sont très précieux et ancrés dans la réalité. Ils ont fait sens pour moi et continueront à m’accompagner.
Avec Mary, j’ai pu échanger sur tous les sujets confortables ou inconfortables. Cela m’a permis d’y voir plus clair, de prendre du recul. J’ai attendu avec hâte et excitation chaque rendez-vous.
C’est une personne d’une grande bienveillance, avec de belles valeurs humanistes, sans jugement, dans la plus grande des écoutes.
J’ai une immense gratitude pour elle.   –A.B.
In my intense, complicated but so-rewarding journey from a life of survival to a life fully-lived, while overcoming multiple personal and professional blockagesMary’s coaching support has played a fundamental role. Her consistent, holistic and down-to-earth-yet-spiritual approach blends many practical tools from her extensive toolkit.  Mary’s life-long experience, wisdom and knowledge have guided me through many challenges, providing me with the right tools and ways to uncover my own wisdom. Moreover she does it with gentle and loving attention and a permanent preoccupation for my well-being.
Two years ago, when I started working with Mary, I was feeling disconnected, choked, exhausted, completely self-centered and hopeless. Now I feel authentically connected with myself and the people around me, functioning at a higher level of energy and awareness, able to transmit this new energy to the people around me and build deeper, more meaningful connections.
Mary has helped me look within, discover myself and find what I want from life. Her pertinent questions enable me to become much more self-aware and to shift from living on autopilot to living with intention. She taught me that I can choose thoughts and generate feelings that serve me and help me reach the outcomes I desire. As if holding a mirror, Mary helped me find my true, authentic self. The result has been amazing: I’ve started living authentically, with increased resiliency, self-confidence, joy, gratitude and reverence for life. More than a coach, Mary is also a mentor, friend and a role model to me. I’m so grateful to you, Mary! I wish more people could benefit from your powerful and enlightening coaching! — S.B.
“Working with Mary gave me  clarity and insight about what I value most. I loved how she created an atmosphere where I felt comfortable about being myself. I could dive into my thoughts and come out with my own deep clarity and motivation. I highly recommend her.”  — M.T.
Working with Mary has been life-changing. In a period characterized by many challenges, she has helped me look within, discover myself and find what I want from life.

Her approach and pertinent questions enabled me to become much more self-aware and to shift from living on auto-pilot to living with intention. As she so rightly says, with awareness comes choice, and this allowed me to choose who I want to be and how I want to live. As a result, I was able to greatly improve my health and relationships and to follow a more meaningful career.

She used her life-long experience, wisdom and knowledge to guide me through many challenges and to give me the right tools and advice.  Moreover she did it with gentle and loving attention and a permanent preoccupation for my well-being.

I feel a different person now and Mary played a huge role. She is not just my coach, she’s a great friend, a mentor and a role model. I’m so grateful to you, Mary! I wish more people could benefit from your powerful and enlightening coaching! ” –S.F.

“I have enjoyed my coaching sessions with Mary tremendously, and have gotten great clarity from our work together. Because I do a fair amount of self-reflecting on my own, I wasn’t sure how much progress to expect, but every session has taken me to a deeper level of understanding, and left me with actionable insights, inspired and enthusiastic about my next steps. Mary’s warmth and keen listening skills make her very easy to open up to. I could tell within a short period of time that she “got” me and understood my goals and needs, so that the questions and tools she offered were always resonating with me. I look forward to continuing my work with her.”

–Clotilde Dusoulier.


I do dream a lot. And I needed someone to help me understand and interpret my dreams.During the coaching sessions, Mary asked me a lot of questions, At first I couldn’t get it. But later I realized that she didn’t want to spoon feed me, but wanted to help me develop my own wings. Yes, her role is to empower. Now I am able to use new resources and I am able to understand my dreams. Thanks Mary for being the LIGHTBEARER. –S.M.
Avant de commencer le travail avec Mary, je me sentais encore fragile émotionnellement suite à une dépression traversée.

Grâce à son soutien et à l’usage des outils proposés, j’ai commencé à me sentir mieux. J’ai pris encore plus confiance et quand il m’arrive d’être en colère, j’analyse et je me calme plus vite.

C’est incroyable comment j’ai évolué en 10 séances de coaching.
Je la recommande vivement car elle sait trouver les mots. En plus, sa gentillesse et son sourire font de la séance des plus agréables. —A.D.

“What are you waiting for?” I found life-coaching with Mary to be just marvelous and very effective. Full of insight and real discernment, things that can’t be taught. She is warm and funny and has many good resources and intriguing ideas to share. From the first minute I talked to her, I knew we would work well together. She has a very easy rapport. I can’t recommend her highly enough. So what are you waiting for? — F.M.
Working with Mary has been a revelation to me. Her approach, skills, life-long experience, gentle attention and eagerness to help enabled me to clarify and improve many aspects of my life including my health, relationship, career and social life, at a moment in life characterized by multiple crossroads and important decisions to be taken. Moreover, it brought me the big picture of what I desire in life and of the strategies I can employ to advance towards my vision. Overall, I got an amazing energy boost and never-before experienced clarity and inner peace. I recommend Mary for those who would like to improve one or more areas of their life and gain more clarity, motivation and well-being. I’m so very grateful for what she, as coach, has offered me and I wish many more people will be able to experience that. –S.F.
I have had a breakthrough in my mental and emotional approach to making decisions and the results I want for my life, working with Mary. I have a heightened self-awareness about how I show up in the world through her effective questioning which lead to uncovering deeper meaning.  I’m still traveling to where I want to be and yet, now I have an embedded compass that guides how I live my life – and I feel that I am winning. Winning over the mental and emotional challenges I once thought insurmountable. Mary’s deep attention and listening to what I struggled to express sometimes, made me feel I wasn’t crazy and I was definitely not alone. The new tools she offered were easy to adopt as I started to work on the things I wanted change and forming new habits. The breakthrough has had positive spillovers into the rest of my life. I feel more alive and ready to be at the center of all I do – in a new way. I now feel that I am truly the captain of my ship in all its wonderfulness, sailing into the unknown with confidence and clarity. I would highly recommend Mary to anyone who has given up and is “settling” with how their lives have panned out. In her, you will encounter a coach, a guide, but more importantly, a human being who is on your side. –G.B.
When I met Mary I was overwhelmed with many changes in my life I was feeling really stuck which was preventing me from moving forward and making any decisions. Mary helped me to sort out the situation and my associated feelings. This allowed me to come up with tangible actions in order to be able to move forward. Since meeting Mary, I am much happier and I am using the tools she provided me with to help me to navigate my feelings towards situations when I feel stuck. Thanks, Mary.  — Ms. B.
With pertinent questioning and helpful sign-posting to a wealth of resources together, as I myself examined and re-examined my situation day after day + week after week, Mary provided precious listening, guidance and support. We opened doors and took a valuable journey. Along the way, it became important & felt reassuring to look ahead to our sessions. I see to what extent now, a year later, Mary helped me make lasting improvements for which I remain brightly grateful. –C.B.
Sessions with Mary helped me enormously as sometimes you need someone to show you a way or guide you a bit.The choice is always yours, but it helps to question things in order to liberate yourself from all that weighs you down. Since I started working together with her, I saw things more clearly, started to understand what is important and seeing the good in myself. My life changed in every single way. (I would like to add…for the better.) I especially appreciated Mary’s personality, way to listen and to suggest things, plus her human warmth and understanding approach. I recommend Mary’s coaching absolutely and with no hesitation. –A.O.
Since working with Mary, I have become more hopeful and energized. Mary will not let you get away with an easy answer, she is on the hunt for the deeper truth and helped me find it within myself. I became more structured and use this new way of using my time in work and play. If you want to work with her I will wholeheartedly recommend her if you are up for a sometimes challenging treasure hunt, Mary will not let you down or feel alone in the process. Especially her in-between-session care has been very helpful. –D.S.
Mary arrived in my life at just the right time. She provided invaluable support at a time when I knew, as a coach, how to do a lot of the right things, yet was unsure of their application and my success in this particular field. She encouraged me, looked at the big picture for me, and calls with her were a beacon I could look out for regularly on my journey. I am so grateful for her calm presence at the other end of the line, and her ability to help me draw out the route from my core with her questions. –SV. “http://www.kaleidoscopelifecoaching.com/”
Mary has been coaching me for several months on a regular basis. I have immensely enjoyed working with her and am truly grateful for the wisdom, focus, understanding and encouragement she has been providing me with. With Mary’s guidance, I have been better able to stay on track with my projects and keep my focus on the true priorities in a life that is amazingly rich with distractions. I have seen my life transform in the last year or so, going from a place where nothing seemed to work in my life, to the harmony and deeper sense of knowing and belonging firmly, exactly where I am now and where I have in fact been all along. Mary’s approach is a perfect blend of life experience, passionate research and study as well as an innate caring and compassionate yet rational and strong personality. I owe many thanks to Mary for all the honest exchanges we have shared, listening without judgement and the great energy she puts into our sessions. I look forward to our continuing work. –M.M.R.
Mary’s coaching single-handedly got me out of my over-drinking rut. She was so warm, patient, non-judging, gently persistent, insightful – I can’t say enough. I had tried to make changes on my own for months and months – I’d read a bunch about over-drinking, I joined online support groups, I tried to practice various techniques that had been recommended, and yet my patterns weren’t changing.  I am so lucky that although it was just before the holidays, Mary agreed to take me on and help me build new habits and reach new goals in time for the new year. Mary made time to reach out to me EVERY day (even through the holidays and even if I didn’t always have time to respond). Her commitment to me was so meaningful and helped reinforce my commitment to myself. –Charlotte.
Prior to starting coaching with Mary I was struggling. I knew I needed help, but I had no idea where to start. Since we’ve worked together I’ve been able to spot and change negative thought patterns, conscious of the quality of the input that will define my experience of any given situation and the results that follow.The biggest change I noticed, almost immediately, was a return of optimism and motivation. As I gained new tools, new insights, I also regained my energy and enthusiasm. Mary graciously and deftly worked with me to get me thinking and changing in a positive and healthy direction. If you’re thinking about coaching with Mary, you should know that she’s a facilitator – in the sense that she will enable you, under your own power, to make positive changes. I’m so glad to have ‘met’ Mary through our Skype sessions. Distance and time-zones are non-issues, thanks to technology that lets us feel as if we’re sitting in the same room. –C.P.