Metamorphosis means “a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a different one”. And I’ve decided to pluck up courage to blog about a body-mind-spirit journey that I’m undertaking for a month. I’m seeking metamorphosis.
For me, it’s prompted by a body issue, that’s led to mental/emotional/spiritual discomfort: Having travelled 3 times to the US in the past few months, always for joyful occasions – two weddings, one vacation – I find myself 5 kg heavier in my body, thus weighed-down in mind/spirit as well. It doesn’t jive with the way I want to be in the world: with optimum health, wisdom, inner peace.
As a well-informed human and life-coach with 68 years on my body-clock, I know this is more than a regime journey of ‘eat less + move more’. For real and sustainable success, there has to be an inner shift too — so this is my opportunity to authentically move forward.
It feels humbling and vulnerable to blog about it here […aren’t I supposed to be walking my coach-talk?…] yet I know that my inner archeology (sifting, digging, filtering for the good stuff) might help others who are ready to turn themselves inside-out. I’ll be excavating… and sharing it.
It’s also a journey in sobriety because drinking wine hardly fits with my aim to reduce body weight and overcome an increasingly worrisome desire for daily wine at dinnertime.
So if this sounds studied and ready and simple — well, yeah. It is. And yet it’s not easy. How will I accomplish weight loss with a deeper identity shift to make it real and sustainable? How will I show up here ?