Looking for uplift as coronavirus intensity swoops down even harder.
“Be on your side”, my yoga-therapist-teacher advises as a gentle starting place for everything. (I decide to remember it as acronym and silently chuckle at “BOYS”.)
Love yourself, love others.
Be aware, control-what-you-can-control and surrender to the rest with grace and ease.
Below is some stuff that I’m reading for my own balance.
How are you creating balance for yourself?
~Global Health Now: https://www.globalhealthnow.org/
~Dr Lissa Rankin: “People are still understandably scared about the coronavirus. But it’s also bringing up great areas of inquiry for those who are also seeing it as an opportunity for a global wake up call and personal spiritual growth. As a global community, …. we are being asked to change how we live our lives.” –https://is-hosted-email-apiprod.appspot.com/api/v2/public/email/4689293668253696/4546403361095680
~ Coronavirus offers “a blank page for a new beginning”…and will eventually allow humanity to reset its values, according to Li Edelkoort. https://www.dezeen.com/2020/03/09/li-edelkoort-coronavirus-reset/?fbclid=IwAR0e7-jw60tprIWgVz_nufP-ANO33iZ3_lTHzH8y1J8Ifc4YWMMmtdKqd8E
~ Thomas Hubl: “Without presence, I will only be scared and frightened and will allow fear to run my decisions. Or I will be detached and avoidant and just downplay what’s happening. Both of these reactions restrict my full engagement and potential.”